Don't let the hearts memories fade
Don’t let the hearts memories fade
Don’t let the hearts memories fade
the moments the heart rushed with blood
skipping higher than any mountain peak
The moment you and I met eye to eye
a heart pounded with a rush
it instantly became addictive
wanting more and more
Those times engraved on the memory
even after years from the event
once that day is thought of
they still bring a simper smile to the face
Whether the mind just forgets
or the mind starts to unfortunately fade
the hearts memories must be remembered
for as long as they can be
That rush of blood spiked with adrenalin
was love at first sight
when mind and heart just knew
that you were someone to never forget
yet that may be out of the bodies control
For you the memories may have all gone
no need to remember what you and I once shared
with our hearts lay bare then
now the world differs greatly
and the years have just gone by
I remember memories now
that you never would
(or at least I don’t think you would)
but I will never know
as our paths have walked in different ways
Don't let the hearts memories fade
for as long as they are alive in the heart
it keeps the heart going
whether memories of now, or then.